Even though you might be tempted to just call the first few days of this process a blur, it is best to know what the stages of alcohol withdrawal are. This way, when you deal with signs of alcohol withdrawal, you know exactly what needs to be done.
In some situations, it is enough to prepare for this whole deal by simply getting a few people you trust to help you, while you are spending a few days in a stable, calm and positive environment. This is a great strategy when you have a mild case of alcohol use disorder, also knowns as AUD. However, when we are talking about a moderate or severe case, it would be best to be admitted into a specialized facility.
This is where they will know how to take care of you so that the side effects of this entire experience are minimized. Of course, there are certain symptoms that you will need to handle on your own such as unsteady hands or excessive sweating. However, when you are running a fever or have a sleep disorder, there is medication that can be administered to fight against such issues. The stages of alcohol withdrawal begin as soon as 6 hours after you have stopped drinking.
You might not be able to believe that it starts happening so fast, but it does. That is exactly why you need to prepare yourself for what follows. When you know what to expect, it all becomes a bit easier. It is much more difficult to deal with the unexpected. The symptoms that you will have to face are: the shivering of your hands, sweating, cerebral pain and so on. After 12 to 24 hours since your last drink, you might be dealing with fever, hallucinations and other serious side effects.
If you have other health conditions, you will need to benefit from medical attention as you might have to deal with complications. Although you might believe that you can stop drinking on your own, you should know that this is not going to end as you expect it to. Because it can be so hard to get through all these stages without any help, you might just quit your sobriety and have a drink, which will get you right back where you started. Alcohol withdrawal is no joke, which is why it is best to know what needs to be done to be able to go through this process and have a positive outcome.
If you have never quit drinking before, you might not even know what signs of alcohol withdrawal to look for. In some cases, there aren’t any other than the need to drink. As long as you manage to overcome this urge, you will be fine. However, if you begin sweating too much or are vomiting, get some help. It would be even better if you could prepare for this event ahead of time so that you can count on the right people to get you through it.
When you do not know much about withdrawal and how you can prevent dealing with certain symptoms or how you can face them all and keep going, the best place to start is the online world. With a little bit of research, you will manage to come across a website that can offer you all the information you need about this entire process, what sort of steps you need to take and even get the chance to contact an advisor. This way, you will be talking to an actual human being that understands what you are going through and can be there, by your side.
When talking about making an important decision such as picking between going through withdrawal at home or in a facility, the right advisor can offer you their assistance. This kind of individual will provide an objective opinion based on the details that you provide regarding your current situation. Any questions you may have regarding withdrawal, they will be able to give you an honest and clear answer to help you understand what will happen as soon as you stop drinking. Do it for your own future as continuing life this way, with a drink in your hand will become life threatening.
Resource Box: If you are currently looking for more information regarding the
stages of alcohol withdrawal and even the
signs of alcohol withdrawal , we are more than happy to help you. Just make sure that you pay our site a visit for more relevant facts about alcohol withdrawal!