The lifestyle that comes with owning a pet can be a bit harsh from an economic standpoint as well as psychologically. To maintain and improve living with a partner such as a bird the first thing you should look after is its emotional state. Birds express their feelings according to the way they have been treated. Most of the time the ways home kept birds are living might be a little harsh. The owners use bird cages that are sometimes necessary for their pet’s safety but this also brings a good amount of loneliness and restraint. Luckily there are some things that can be done or added in order to improve their lives. Some of those things can be treats and bird toys.
What Are Bird Cages From Their Perspective
Regardless of her species, a bird will see bird cages with a good amount of sadness. Although they might not be able to make complex relations regarding objects or creatures, they instinctively will fell the restraint effect the cage will have on their flight. This is why having a decent amount of space as well as a comfortable environment inside is very important. There should be lots of diverse things for the bird to interact with. For example lots of different branches to land on or lots of different bird toys. They should also be changed or alternated from time to time, bringing in a new wave of freshness.
The steps of improving the bird's life through such objects should be taken very slow. This is in order to have time and study the reactions of the bird. Sometimes they can be a bit picky. They will show specific behavior with every mood. By paying attention you can make sure the birds will not get depressed or that you have made all the correct choices for their living environment.
How to Choose the Right Bird Toys
When you have decided to improve their living environments with some bird toys you should always take into consideration their personalities. The size of the bird is an important factor as well. Buying a toy too small can be swallowed and one too big can become the bird’s worst nightmare.
These objects will play a key role in the pet’s life because they will accomplish a few functions. Besides the improvement of the mental health of the bird, they also keep them occupied. Bird toys can also be a means of distraction when you have to clean the cage and last but not least they can be pecking/chewing objects. The birds have an innate desire to peck or chew things so its well thought to direct them towards a safe object. By doing so they will improve the strength and resistance of their beak through constant solicitation. They might also receive a healthy snack from the said object.
Sometimes the winged creatures can also get a bit chubby. Having a good amount of diversity in the activities they can do will prevent this. They will see them as fun things to do and their risk of obesity will drop substantially. With time, as the bird will familiarize them with the environment you can go forward and offer them provoking challenges. Some birds are extremely smart. For example, crows can be as smart as a three-year-old human and can solve complex puzzles. Never underestimate animals.
Final Touches

Now knowing all of the above, these are some fine things to completely make sure of your pet’s wellbeing:
• Never have just one bird spend its whole life solo (instead the nature of the animal requires so) – this is because their liveliness will fade as they will feel extremely sad. Birds need company so at least taking them in pairs (male/female) should suffice.
• The bigger the cage the better – they might not get the full-length flight experience in bird cages but considering their size every inch of space will matter for them.
• Removable underneath floor – this will make cleaning a whole lot easier and faster for both parties. Even if they get pretty close to the owner, birds will still feel unease whenever someone enters their space. A removable cage floor will prevent this.
• Hanging toys – make sure you intelligently use al the available space. Hanging toys will give a great dynamic to the living area and can also be very entertaining.
• Noise making toys – birds love interacting with objects so imagine how pleased they will be when the object in front of them will interact back. In this case, a bell or a rubber duck would be lovely.