The process of validar email is quite new on the market and there was not enough time for everyone to understand what it is and how can it be helpful for their businesses. Because of this, not many people understand its importance and they lose all the benefits brought by this process. So, in this article, you will find if verificar correo electronico is truly important for your business, what benefits it is able to bring to you and what are the methods through which you can do it.
Email validation can be grouped into three parts.
- Wrong emails. The first one is the detection of wrong email addresses. Some of those that agree to receive your emails will introduce the wrong email and it is in your best interest to not send email to these.
- Spam strap emails. The second one is the detection of spam traps. These type of emails will make your own emails seem like they are spams and will be categorized as such. This will destroy your efforts very fast.
- Inactive emails. The last one is the detection of the inactive emails. These are emails that are still valid but no one is using them anymore. You do not want to continue to send to them because it will only lower your open rates.
At first sight, it may not seem so important to verify your emails, but once you find the benefits, you will change your mind for sure.
The Two Most Important Benefits Brought by Validar Email
Validar email can bring you many benefits but, apart from the two below, they depend more on how well you use the results obtained by doing this.
- Deliverability. If your database contains too many emails like the ones presented above, then you will have low deliverability. This can be very dangerous because it can cause your campaigns to be seen as spams. The disadvantages that come together with that classification are obvious. Your open rate will drop drastically and the overall conversion rates will be close to zero. On the other hand, by keeping your email database clean by verificar correo electronico you will have very high deliverability and this will surely increase the open rate and conversions of your emails.
- Effectiveness. Only after you verify all your emails will you be able to completely trust the data that you obtain, because that is when you know that only those that have the possibility to open and read your email has received it. Otherwise, the data that you will obtain will be contaminated by the useless emails which will drop its accuracy. If this drop is too large then you may be tricked into taking wrong decisions which will be even more devastating for your business.
How Can You Verificar Correo Electronico?

There are two main methods to do this. The first one is the “old school” do it manually. You can find online how you can take your email list one by one and verify it. The other method is to use a tool. There are some options online that you can use to automate the Verificar Correo Electronico .
Although many say that the manual method is outdated and it is not worth the effort, there are situations in which it is better for you to do it like that. For example, if you just started and your email list is under 100, then you can verify it yourself. By doing this you can grow a clean list and this will help you enormously in the future. Also, the money you would have paid for the tool may not necessarily be worth it in your situation.
On the other hand, if your email list is already over a thousand then it is mandatory for you to use such a tool to validar email. The effort and time that you need to invest in verifying all the emails one by one will cost you more money than by paying for the tool.
How so? Well, think about this, how much money could you have made by focusing that effort and time on the core parts of your business? It is probably much more than it will cost you to buy the tool. Also, the speed with which they are verified is much faster if it done by the tool than it will be if it is done manually.